Tests on Cement and Concrete Mixes
Code: This test is done as per IS: 4031 (Part 4) 1988
- i) Unless otherwise specified this test shall be conducted at a temperature 27 +20C and the relative humidity of laboratory should be 65 +5%.
- ii) Prepare a paste of weighed quantity of cement (300gms) with weighed quantity of potable or distilled water, taking care that the time of gauging is not less than 3minutes nor more than 5minutes and the gauging is completed before any sign of setting occurs.
- iii) The gauging is counted from the time of adding water to the dry cement until commencing to fill the mould.

- iv) Fill the vicat mould with this paste resting upon a non-porous plate.
- v) Smoothen the surface of the paste, making it level with the top of the mould.
- vi) Slightly shake the mould to expel the air.
- vi) In filling the mould operators hands and the blade of the gauging trowel shall only be used. Testing consistency of cement.
- vi) Immediately place the test block with the non-porous resting plate, under the rod bearing the plunger.
- vi) Lower the plunger gently to touch the surface of the test block and quickly release, allowing it sink into the paste.
- vi) Record the depth of penetration
- vi) Prepare trial pastes with varying percentages of water and test as described above until the plunger is 5mm to 7mm from the bottom of the vicat mould.
To determine the consistency of cement paste.