Marshall Stability and Flow Tests
Code: This test is done as per ASTM D 1559.
Preparation of Sample:
The sample needed is from Marshall Stability graph, select proportions of coarse aggregates, fine aggregates and filler in such a way, so as to fulfil the required specification. The total weight of the mix should be 1200g.
- i) Heat the weighed aggregates and the bitumen separately up to 170oC and 163oC respectively.
- ii) Mix them thoroughly, transfer the mixed material to the compaction mould arranged on the compaction pedestal.
- iii) Give 75 blows on the top side of the specimen mix with a standard hammer (45cm, 4.86kg). Reverse the specimen and give 75 blows again. Take the mould with the specimen and cool it for a few minutes.

- iv) Remove the specimen from the mould by gentle pushing. Mark the specimen and cure it at room temperature, overnight.
- v) A series of specimens are prepared by a similar method with varying quantities of bitumen content, with an increment of 0.5% (3 specimens) or 1 bitumen content.
- vi) Before testing of the mould, keep the mould in the water bath having a temperature of 60oC for half an hour.
- vi) Check the stability of the mould on the Marshall stability apparatus.
To Determination of Marshall Stability of Bituminous Mixture